Within this series, several lecture performances in indeterminate succession will give insights into the issues that ctp is occupied with: ideas, plans and maybe failed projects against the background of current societal problems.
After the lecture performances, the audience is invited to get involved by advise (and deeds), by criticism or suggestions. Thus, we would like to open more to contact with our audience and, at the same time, be present more directly and often in the public – independent of public money.
This series is funded by Tipping Point e. V.
first performance within this series: 28 June 2019: ->ctp x.1 E.C.P.A. – A Self-assessment
resumption: 14 November 2019: ->ctp x.1 E.C.P.A. Resumption
->ctp x.2 S.A.R.S. CoV 2 – A Statement